Glasses for your event

Riedel & Nachtmann


The “ Riedel Extreme” glasses derive their name from their extreme contours. The bowls are reminiscent of polished diamonds that spread out wide and taper off at the top. This allows the wine plenty of room to breathe, enhancing and emphasising the pleasant softness and fruity notes of the wine.


The Nachtmann series "Highland" and "Noblesse" made of lead crystal, with timeless and elegant designs, are used in many top bars and restaurants worldwide.


Both of the glass series that we offer in the Palais Berg are both a visual highlight on every set table, as well as an optimal support for the aromas and the joy of drinking. The glasses lie perfectly in the hand and ensure exclusive moments.



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© PALAIS BERG Events GmbH.

Schwarzenbergplatz 3, 1010 Wien | +43 (0) 664 315 10 52